Our Spring Pilates session offers classes and coaching each week to get you feeling healthy and fit for Spring.
Are you ready for Spring? Here are 5 Tips to Get you ready for Spring!

Online Pilates classes every Tuesday and Thursday will give you all the tools you need to get ready for Spring: preparing for outdoor activities, stretching after a long hike, or toning your body to keep you feeling healthy and strong. Here's what you can do:
Tip #1 - You are your biggest and best investment:
We spend money on things all the time: invest in yourself, try a new class, create a new routine. No growth happens in our comfort zone. Spring is the time for a fresh new start! Ask yourself what's the best thing that could happen if I invested in my health and wellness?
Tip #2 - Recruit an accountability partner:
Asking a friend for support, or to do the class with you or even just stating your goal outloud can have huge benefits! Now you have someone to check in with, or someone who shares your passion for progress. We need the support of our community and friends to lift us up! A friend or family member can be an excellent accountability partner.
Tip #3 - Try an online or in person fitness assessment:
Sometimes knowing where to start can be a daunting task. Where are you in your health and fitness journey? Do you know where you want to be? Book a time with me and I will help you with a plan, uncover mental roadblocks and get you where you want to be!
"Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change." - Wayne Dyer
Tip #4 - Sign up for the online classes:
Choosing to come to both Tuesday and Thursday will keep you on a consistent schedule! Each week we will had some health and fitness tips to focus on to keep you on track and working toward your goals! When you do both classes you will receive a discount as well, making this a great value to invest in!
Tip #5 - Give yourself time and patience:
We don't always see the results of our efforts right away. It takes time, and being patient with yourself is so important. Remember when you plant a seed, there is so much going on beneath the soil. The roots grow first and little by little you see the changes. The same is true for us. Each week you will notice little things, like better sleep, climbing stairs with ease, or having less aches and pains. Those little things grow into big gains. Trust the process:)
You get what you give:
Yes, showing up is important, and when you really make an effort, set an intention and fully invest in the process you will reap priceless rewards. So are you ready to join us and Spring Into Shape? I'm ready and waiting to support you along your journey! I will see you soon!